Pricing & Serving Times

Pricing is subject to change based on updates to Federal, State and District policies. Serving times may be adjusted during school events, delayed school starts or unplanned activities. Please verify serving times with your respective school site.

Pricing Information

  Breakfast Prices Lunch Prices
Elementary/Intermediate Schools $1.30 $2.70
Yukon Middle School $1.40 $2.95
Yukon High School $1.70
Adult/Visitor Pricing $2.40 $5.00

Serving Start Times

  Breakfast Lunch
7:15 AM Yukon High School Varies; verify w/ school
7:45 AM Yukon Middle School Varies; verify w/ school
7:00 AM All PK-3rd Grade Schools
Varies; verify w/ school
7:10 AM All 4th-6th Grade Schools  Varies; verify w/ school