Yukon Fine Arts Center | 850 Yukon Avenue, Yukon, OK 73099
(405) 354-8356 | [email protected]
Contact Information
Seating Chart
Commonly known as the Auditorium; the Yukon Fine Arts Center (YFAC) is the primary production facility for Yukon Public Schools. It is used by the YHS Fine Arts and various YPS clubs & departments; as well as local civic groups, community businesses, metro dance companies and professional touring groups.
This large, 3000 seat facility is equipped to host productions of almost any size using the newest technologies in lighting, sound and video production.
The YFAC acts as host to the following programs:
Central Oklahoma Ballet "Nutcracker" Program
YHS Baccalaureate Ceremony
YHS Theatre Fall One-Act Play
YHS Performing Arts Annual Musical
YHS National Honors Society Induction Ceremony
YPS Bands & Percussion Crew Winter Spring & Pre-State Concerts
YMS Vocal Winter and Spring Concerts
YMS Theatre Pro Fall Production
YMS Veteran's Day Celebration
YMS Winter Follies Variety Show
YMS Talent Show
YMS End of the Year Awards
Lakeview Elementary Fall and Spring Music Programs
Central Elementary Fall, Winter and Spring Music Programs
Shedeck Elementary Fall and Winter Music Programs
The Annual Dance Recitals of: